
Digital Dentures: The Future of Dental Prosthetics

In our digital age, technology impacts nearly every profession, including dentistry. New possibilities in digitizing the denture workflow have marked a new phase in the development of digital dentistry. The combination of digital imaging for dentures with advanced design software is set to revolutionize dental restorations. This integration enhances convenience and efficiency, allowing for highly individualized dental solutions. Digital dentures benefit dentists, dental laboratories, and patients, making the process more streamlined and precise.

What are Digital Dentures?

Digital dentures are dental prostheses created with scanners, design software, and mills or 3D printers. These tools provide more accuracy, efficiency, and greater comfort for the patient. The digital denture workflow can start in different ways: with a conventional impression, a direct scan in the patient’s mouth, or by duplicating an existing denture. The workflow depends on the clinical situation and the type of denture being created.

Intraoral scanning technology can replace uncomfortable impression trays, improving patient comfort. Additionally, digital technology can eliminate time-consuming manual steps, such as corrections for inaccuracies in occlusion, vertical dimension, or aesthetics. Digital imaging for dentures can be completed in a few minutes, and design corrections that previously took hours can now be done in ten to fifteen minutes. With the right software, dental specialists can provide cost-effective 3D-printed dentures within a day, reducing treatment duration and the number of visits needed. Designs can be digitally archived for easy reference or duplication, making 3D-printed treatments cost-efficient.

Steps in Creating Digital Dentures

The digital denture workflow includes several streamlined steps that ensure accuracy, efficiency, and patient comfort. Here’s an overview of the process:

The Impression:

The clinician needs a 3D representation of the current situation, obtained by scanning or taking an analog impression. The process may differ depending on the case: is the patient fully edentulous, or not? Is it the first time, or are we creating a duplicate denture? The captured data is then processed to create a precise digital model. Additional files, such as pictures, can be sent along with the communication software.

The Digital Denture Design:

The dental technician will load the files into digital prosthetics software, which allows for dental technicians to create personalized prostheses with a perfect fit. Whether it’s for full or partial digital removable dentures, the software can help automate much of the denture design process: from model analysis to gingiva placement. In addition, CAD software can fully eliminate the need for analog re-sets. Digital design hence doesn’t only save time, but also material costs.


When the partial or full denture design is ready, it’s time for production. This can either be done by milling or by 3D printing of dentures or a combination of the two. Usually, 3D-printed dentures are made from light curing resins, whereas milling uses traditionally tried and tested materials.

In the scenario of 3D printing of complete or partial dentures, the denture base and the denture teeth are manufactured separately. After the digital denture printing, teeth are attached to the base and go through the final curing process.

Characterization (Optional)

This optional stage enhances the final appearance and functionality of the dentures. Characterization involves customizing the denture to match the patient’s natural teeth and gums more closely. This can include adding subtle color variations, translucency, and texture to mimic the natural look and feel of real teeth. The goal is to create a prosthesis that not only fits well but also blends seamlessly with the patient’s natural smile. This process can greatly improve the esthetics of the dentures, making them look more lifelike and comfortable for the patient.

Final Polishing:

The denture undergoes a two-stage polishing to smooth any roughness and make it easier to maintain hygiene. Removable prostheses can be manufactured directly as the definitive version or as a try-in version to test fit and function. A try-in stage makes collaboration between the dental laboratory and dentist more efficient and predictable. If the clinician and patient accept the denture design, the definitive treatment is the next step.

The Advantages of Digital Dentures Over Traditional Dentures

Digital dentures offer several advantages over conventional dentures, including:

  • Accuracy: Digital dentures are created using precise digital scans and design software, ensuring a better fit and more accurate final product.
  • Efficiency: The digital workflow reduces the number of manual steps, making the process faster and more efficient.
  • Comfort: Intraoral scanning technology eliminates the need for uncomfortable impression trays, enhancing patient comfort.
  • Customization: Digital design allows for highly individualized dentures that can be easily adjusted and reproduced.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: With the ability to create 3D-printed dentures quickly, the overall cost of production and treatment time is reduced.
  • Consistency: Digital archives of designs ensure that dentures can be consistently reproduced if needed.

Your Questions Answered: Digital Dentures

How do digital dentures look?

Digital dentures look very similar to traditional dentures but can be more precisely fitted and customized to match the patient’s natural appearance.

What if I break or lose my digital dentures?

If you break or lose your digital dentures, the digital file allows for easy reproduction of the exact same design, making replacement quicker and simpler.

How long do digital dentures last?

Digital dentures can last just as long as traditional dentures, typically 5 to 10 years, depending on the material used and how well they are cared for.

How much do digital dentures cost?

The cost of digital dentures varies based on factors like design complexity, materials used, and the dentist’s fees. They may be comparable to or slightly higher than traditional dentures. However, their precision, efficiency, and reduced treatment time can offer better overall value.

Are digital dentures covered by insurance?

Many dental insurance plans cover digital dentures similarly to traditional dentures, but it’s essential to check with your specific insurance provider for details.

What is the process of getting digital dentures?

The process involves an initial consultation, digital scanning or impression, digital design and approval, production of the dentures, and a final fitting. Adjustments are easier and quicker due to the digital nature of the process.

Book Your Digital Denture Appointment

Discover the future of dental prosthetics with digital dentures at New You Dental Center. Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology to offer you a seamless and comfortable experience. Book your appointment today to receive a comprehensive consultation and see how digital dentures can transform your dental health and appearance. Our friendly team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Book Your Digital Denture Appointment

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